A.Vogel Craving Essence 30ml


  • Craving essence is a unique and effective combination of flower essence which helps people to be detached from various habit which has trapped them
  • The attachment can be of anything like common as sugar, or to a person, or even a destructive thought pattern or even a ritual which completely takes over your day to day life
  • This remedy helps one to reduce the cravings, and in turn motivates one progress in life and in keeping a positive image among others
  • Combinations to improve emotional wellbeing, which in turn can enhance greater harmony in the body
  • Contains clematis for the sleepy, spaced out, disoriented feelings, often associated with habits

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5 Drops in a little water 3 times daily. Can be used at intervals up to six times daily if required.


Tinctures of the flowers of Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, Agrimony, Crab Apple, Tansy, Walnut, Chicory, Cherry Plum, Self Heal and Morning Glory in equal amounts. Alcohol Content: approx 27%(V/V).


F pregnant or breast feeding, please seek professional healthcare advice before using this product. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dry place.

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