Udo’s Choice Digestive Health Pack

Udo’s Choice has teamed up with Clean Eating Alice, a bestselling author and personal trainer, to bring you delicious recipes, fitness tips and an at home training plan that supports your healthy lifestyle using digestive health.

The Digestive Health Pack contains Udo’s Choice Super 8 Macrobiotics and Digestive Enzyme Blend

Udo’s Choice Super 8 Macrobiotics

A powerfully theraputic formula of 8 strains of friendly bacteria formulated to rectify serious flora imbalance. It is a full spectrum macrobiotic to support the natural flora of the entire digestive tract. it also has a 100% survival rate in gastric solution, meaning it safely gets through stomach acid to where it is needed most.

Udo’s Choice Digestive Enzyme Blend

7 plant based enzymes each with a specific action on foods consumed in the diet. This formula is been precisely balanced to help the body absorb nutrients from foods. The digestive enzymes aid digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fibre. The enzymes also contain lactase, which makes this formula beneficial for those who suffer with lactose intolerance.

Clean Eating Alice: ‘I am so excited to be working with Udo’s Choice for this project. I’ve long been a fan of their Super 8 Microbiotics and have recently been introduced to the rest of their range which I have found a welcome addition to my diet. Optimal digestive health is so important, and investing in good gut health has been something that I’ve personally been very interested in, and so working with a brand that has a similar ethos seemed like the perfect fit.’

Udo’s Choice have designed the Gut Health Guide inspired by Alice’s journey to a healthy balanced life, to help you understand the importance of keeping your gut healthy and how you can achieve this by adopting a healthier lifestyle.  During April, Panacea will be offering this guide free with all purchases of the Digestive Health Pack while stocks last!


Living Nutrition Your Flora

Living culture symbiotics offers a more natural wholefood option than standard probiotics in providing full spectrum support for your natural digestive flora. Most of us are used to taking large doses of individual strains of microflora such as Acidophilus lactobacillus but Living nutrition’s support goes further. The Your Flora Symbiotic range involves all the nutrients and factors involved in seeding, colonising and thriving within a complex and dynamic ecosystem that is your gut.

You are unique, so is your flora

We each have our own unique and dynamic eco-system within our digestive tract, rich in a vast and diverse array of microorganisms. This ecosystem influences both your physical and emotional health and is essential for optimal digestion. Living Nutrition recognise the need to support your individual flora and the complex requirements of a balanced, healthy ecosystem.

The symbiotic approach

Symbiosis – the intimate relationship of different organisms living and evolving in harmony, within an ecosystem for the benefit of each other.

Kefi-soya™ – the living culture symbiotic

Living Nutrition have developed an exceptional whole-food living culture symbiotic using a traditional month long kefir style fermentation.

Kefi-soya™ is a selection of 35 microorganisms fermented in organic soymilk. This fermented living culture provides a synergy of healthy microorganisms within their natural ecosystem.

Kefi-soya™ is so more than a capsule of bacteria. It is a living food matrix rich in nutrients, enzymes and naturally evolved microorganisms.

Fermented soymilk – the symbiotic of our ancestors

Research has proven that fermented soya milk is by far the best source of nutrition for supporting the gut flora. Recently soya has a mixed reputation, but this is due to how it is processed and consumed. Soya in its fermented forms such as miso, tempeh and natto are highly nutritious and extremely beneficial for the gut ecology.

Your Flora’s 6 New Synbiotics include:
Your Flora Coolmint

Kefi-soya™ plus organic peppermint and lemon balm –  Suitable for those with digestive sensitivity, including IBS.

Your Flora – Family

Kefi-soya™ plus organic banana and baobab – Suitable for the whole family as an ongoing support for the digestive microflora

Your Flora – Gold Spice

Kefi-soya™ plus organic ginger and lemon balm-  Suitable for those with digestive inflammation, including colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Your Flora – Regenesis

Kefi-soya™ plus organic artichoke and chicory – Suitable for the repopulation of the digestive microflora, including post antibiotics and post infection.

Your Flora – Terrain

Kefi-soya™ plus organic aloe vera and slippery elm – Suitable for those with digestive conditions including ulcers, excess acidity, constipation and diarrhoea.

Your Flora – Tranquil

Kefi-soya™ plus organic fennel and chamomile – Suitable for those suffering from bloating and flatulence.


Amazing Grass Raw Reserve Greens & Protein

Amazing Grass Raw Reserve Greens & Protein contains twenty five billion probiotics per serving as well as a blend of digestive enzymes. It is a blend of blue green algae, spirulina, chlorella, and sea vegetables from the coast of Maine, like kelp and sea lettuce, combined with nutrient-dense barley and wheat grasses, which are packed with vitamins, minerals, plant-based protein and phyto-nutrients, all of which assist the body in maintaining healthy organ function, detoxification and immunity. With the addition of organic maca, burdock root, ginger, aloe vera, cayenne and organic flax and chia seed, Raw Reserve is a nutritious way to introduce free-radical fighting plants and herbs to your diet, plus 14 grams of non-soy plant-based protein from Rice, Hemp, Quinoa and Pumpkin Seeds.

Even though it has the cereal grasses, Amazing Grass Raw Reserve is certified  Gluten Free, Organic and Vegan


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