Higher Nature Citricidal

Santha in our Kingston store recommends Higher Nature Citricidal drops.

What is it?

Citricidal was originally developed by a German physicist and immunologist, Jacob Harish, as an antiparasitic. In the 1960’s Dr. Harish was able to convince researchers at the University of Florida to experiment with the use of grapefruit extract as an alternative to then-current chemicals for the protection of fruit and vegetables. They are quickly won over with it’s amazing ability to inhibit the growth of not only parasites, but fungi and bacteria as well.

How can I use it ?

Citricidal has many uses. The versatile liquid is commonly used for digestive support when travelling either by using diluted Citricidal to gargle or by consuming a few drops as directed on the bottle, in water or juice. It is also now regularly being used to treat Candida problems. A Polish study published in 2001 found that a 33 percent grapefruit extract has a potent anti fungal effect against Candida albicans strains taken from patients with candida symptoms.

Grapefruit seed extract is also a natural cleanser. Regularly recommended especially as a mouthwash, on the face and nails, and as a household cleanser.

  • Laundry — to kill fungi and bacteria, add 10 to 15 drops to the final rinse
  • Carpet cleaners — to kill pathogenic organisms
  • Humidifiers — 1 drop per litre of water to prevent algae growth
  • Disinfecting surfaces — Mix with water in a spray bottle. It’s great for disinfecting chopping boards and other kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

Higher Nature Citricidal is available in store as a liquid or a tablet form.

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