Organic Lavender Oil Natural by Nature 10ml


Lavender (Lavendula officinalis)

Location: Lavender grows wild along the Mediterranean coast but is also extensively cultivated for its fragrance in England and France.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the flower.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is clear with a hint of yellow. It has a fresh, sweet, floral scent.

Description: A shrub growing to about 90cm tall having narrow linear, grey-green leaves and beautiful blue-violet flowers borne on long spikes.

Background: Probably introduced by the Romans to England, lavender quickly became popular for strewing, in pot-pourris and also widely used in perfumes. Lavender is the most versatile and useful essential oils for therapeutic purposes.

Properties: Sedative, tonic, hypotensive, antiseptic, diuretic, balancing.


Urinary System-Beneficial for cystitis.

Circulatory System-Can be valuable in the treatment of palpitations and high blood pressure.

Respiratory System-Beneficial for treating throat infections. Can help asthma sufferers when their condition is associated with mental or emotional trauma.

Nervous System-Calms and number of emotional disorders including insomnia, migraine, excitability and nervous tension. Particularly good for depression.

Skin- An excellent skin rejuvenator, good for stretch marks. Lavender is also a very effective remedy for sunburn, insect bites, minor burns and stings.

Skeletal System-Beneficial for general joint pain.

Muscular System-Good for muscular and rheumatic aches and pains.


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