Natural Skin Care

Our skin, the body’s largest organ, is semi permeable and therefore absorbs ingredients into the bloodstream. On a daily basis we may apply up to 20 skincare products onto our skin…

If we aren’t happy to eat synthetic and unnatural ingredients, then why would we apply them to our skin? What you put on your skin affects both the health of your skin and your body.

Furthermore, synthetic, man-made chemical products can over time irritate and stress skin

knowing this you would want to use only the highest quality ingredients from nature that your skin understands.

Natural ingredients support a healthy skin function and a healthy skin doesn’t suffer from premature aging – it’s a radiant skin + gentler to sensitive skin

We carry a wide range of skincare products, including facial skincare, baby & kids products, bodycare, bath & shower products, haircare, deodorants, oral care products and make up.

Some of the common synthetic ingredients you won’t find in our skincare are:

  • Parabens (preservatives)
  • SLS, SLES (harsh detergents)
  • Petroleum jelly and mineral oil (derived from petroleum)
  • Aluminum (found in antiperspirants)
  • Glycols and diglycols
  • PABA
  • Synthetic sun screens
  • Artificial colours
  • Artificial fragrances
  • Formaldehyde
  • Ethoxylates and Phthalates


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