Weleda Ratanhia Mouthwash

Katherine in our Kingston store loves the Weleda Ratanhia Mouthwash

Weleda write that a mouth that is out of balance means sore and bleeding gums, nasty tastes and bad breath.

The mouthwash contains extracts of Ratanhia roots gathered from organic producers in the Andes of Peru. The locals in this area have traditionally used the root of this plant to clean their teeth. Naturally rich in tanning agents which protects and strengthens sore gums, this plant also has natural anti-bacterial qualities. The mouthwash also contains precious myrrh added to tone, strengthen and tighten the gums and to prevent irritation. Natural essential oils of sage, eucalyptus and peppermint deliver lasting freshness.

Add 5 to 10 drops to half a glass of lukewarm water – just rinse, spit, and get your breath back.

Katherine: “It is an all-round hygiene boost and fantastic alternative to Corsodyl! This Peruvian root, combined with oral favourite Myrrh essential oil, helps keep gums healthy, as well as reducing the pain and healing time of mouth ulcers!”


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