Sun Chlorella

Yogini in our Edgware branch uses Sun Chlorella. She highly recommends it as she says she has used it for 3 months and feels full of energy.

Chlorella is a fresh water single-cell green algae, a natural whole food that contains a spectrum of nutrients perfectly designed by nature. Those nutrients include Proteins, Iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Folic Acid, all of which would account for Yogini’s energy boost.

Sun Chlorella ‘A’ is the only chlorella that is pulverised by DYNO-Mill. This technology breaks up the indigestible chlorella cell wall without the need for excessive heat or chemicals and frees the nutrients in chlorella.

Chlorella is a fresh water single-cell green algae, a natural whole food that contains a spectrum of nutrients perfectly designed by nature. Those nutrients include Iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Folic Acid.

It’s benefits don’t stop there Marie Clare reported: “We’re yet to see a picture of Victoria’s Secret model Miranda Kerr where her skin doesn’t look flawless, and she claims Chlorella supplements are to thank: ‘To keep my skin in check I always eat lots of greens and take Chlorella supplements and drink lots of water.’ As well as being packed with nutrients to boost your complexion, this natural green algae is also comprised of Chlorella Growth Factor, a unique component that works to grow and repair cells. If it works for Miranda…”

How does Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) benefit beauty?

As you age, your body’s natural production of DNA and RNA declines. With less RNA and DNA being produced, the signs of aging become more visible (read: fine lines and wrinkles), and we experience a decrease in the speed of wound healing, energy and overall cellular function. For this reason, nucleic acids are a key component to anti-aging and beauty from the inside out.

Luckily, CGF contains a high concentration of  dietary nucleic acids that are easily used by the body, which means the RNA and DNA can be absorbed and utilized efficiently by your cells. Even if you’re not concerned about aging just yet, you’ll still benefit from the rejuvenating effects that the nucleic acids provide while taking a preventative measure for your health. Read more about CGF here.


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