Weleda Moisture Cream for Men

Our Staff Favourite this week is from our head office.

Dana says: “One of my favourite skincare products is Weleda men moisture cream… and no I don’t use it myself! But my husband uses it and loves it. It was hard to convert him to a natural product as he was used to mainstream and highly fragrant men’s creams found in most chemists and supermarkets. But within a few days of using Weleda he was converted. He says the smell is refreshing and “wakes him up” in the morning. It soothes his skin after shaving, penetrates well and isn’t too heavy. Also an ideal size as he travels a lot and hate big bulky packaging!”

Weleda say that men care what they put on their skin – but they don’t want to make a fuss about it. Weleda uses decades of experience to formulate a highly effective range of fresh men’s grooming products. Easy to use and quickly absorbed

Ingredients are organic jojoba, sesame seed oil and extracts from marsh mallow to protect, soothe and moisturise the skin. It’s a quick-to use, no-nonsense moisture cream that smells great, too.

Father’s day is coming up on 19th of June – Why don’t you get dad a treat from nature.


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