Xylitol – Total Sweet and Xylobrit

Maria in our Putney store loves Total Sweet Xylitol – she says that this is the most tasty, natural sugar replacement she has found so far. She says “The taste is very similar to sugar therefore you can add it in anything:- coffee, teas, smoothies, baking. I’ll definitely never go back to normal sugar. I love this product”

Branka in our Watford store prefers the XyloBrit Xylitol. She says Xylitol is low GL, tastes great in drinks and the good thing is it doesn’t have an aftertaste. It has almost half the calories of sugar and protects the teeth from cavities as Kate Quilton demonstrated in food unwrapped on Channel 4

What is it?

Xylitol, also called ‘wood’ or ‘birch sugar’, has been known about and used as a sugar alternative for many years

The word comes from the Greek word ‘xyl’ meaning wood, as in xylophone, as it was first extracted from birch trees after the Second World War, when sugar was in short supply

Today xylitol is used around the world, by millions of people, as an alternative to sugar and is a naturally occurring sweet tasting substance that looks and tastes just like sugar, but has various healthy benefits. Xylitol is found in a whole host of plants and fruits, such as raspberries, plums and strawberries, and is even made in small amounts by the human body, but not all xylitol is the same

Xylitol is available and from different natural sources. The xylitol used in Total Sweet comes from sustainably sourced European birch and beech wood and is always GMO free and  XyloBrit is made from 100% pure Xylitol with no aftertaste. The Xylitol used in XyloBrit is extracted only from birch trees so will not trigger corn allergies.


Manuka Health MGO Manuka Honey

What makes MGO™ Manuka Honey so special

New Zealand Manuka Honey is renowned throughout the world as one of nature’s most prized foods.

In 2008, Professor Thomas Henle of University of Dresden, Germany found that it is  Methylglyoxal (MGO) that gives Manuka honey its unique antibacterial properties. Methylglyoxal is only found in high levels in some manuka honey and is a compound found in the pollen of the Manuka tree’s flowers which has a short flowering period. This makes the placement of hives and the timing of the harvest crucial. If done correctly, the Methylglyoxal present in the manuka honey will be much higher.

In contrast, other honeys tested worldwide have low levels of methylglyoxal, ranging between 0 to 5mg/kg.

MGOTM Manuka Honey – A Science-Based Quality System

Manuka Health was the first company in the world to certify manuka honey according to methylglyoxal content.


Not all Manuka Honey is equal

It is important to know that the level of methylglyoxal can vary greatly in manuka honey, so you want to be sure you know what you are getting.

That is why Manuka Health test and certify every batch of MGOTM Manuka Honey to guarantee the level of methylglyoxal present, as indicated on the label.


Advantages of MGO™ Manuka Honey Grading System


Precise and reliable MGO™ Manuka Honey Quality System is based on the ground-breaking scientific research of German scientist Dr Thomas Henle, Technical University of Dresden.


Every batch of MGO™ Manuka Honey is tested and certified, guaranteeing the minimum level of methylglyoxal as clearly indicated on the label.

Easy to Understand

MGO™ 400+ Manuka Honey means there is at least 400mg methylglyoxal per kg of Manuka honey in the product.


Quality Assurance you can trust

Each batch of  Manuka Honey is rigorously tested to ensure quality and purity, then carefully packed in their specialised honey facility in Te Awamutu, New Zealand.

Sustainably sourced from beehives in remote and pristine areas of New Zealand, every batch of MGOTM Manuka Honey is fully traceable from beekeeper to shelf.

Great care is taken to protect the natural properties of the honey, with temperatures in the processing plant similar to the natural temperature of the beehive.

How does UMF and MGO compare?

UMF and MGO measure the strength of Manuka honey in different ways, but there is a relationship between the level of Methylglyoxal and the Non Peroxide Activity, as measured by the UMF. 

MGO 30+ = UMF 5+

MGO 100+ = UMF 10+

MGO 250+ = UMF 15+

MGO 400+ = UMF 20+

MGO 550+ = UMF 25+

Eating Healthy on Holiday

Plan ahead.

Whether you’re flying or driving to your holiday destination, there is often panic before leaving the house doing your final checks is far more important at that moment than thinking about eating healthy. Pack a snack bag the day before that can easily be eaten on the way to the airport or popped in the car for when the first pangs of hunger occur. This will stop you having to find a meal packed with empty calories and saturated fats, leaving you feel hungry sooner and causing you to snack more on your trip. Plan stops and have your own packed meal instead of heading to the first fast food counter you see. If this is not possible, try to find out what outlets are available at your stop and get to know what foods they have.

Keep busy.

There is nothing like boredom to make you want to snack, and the first foods are crisps, sweets and small nibbles full of saturated fats and sugars. Keeping busy is an easy way to prevent you from letting your hands wander into your snack pack. Make sure you have a good book, brain teasers, a game that will prevent you from getting easily bored, or if you’re a passenger in a car, make sure your tablet is filled with interesting videos. Keep the driver busy by doing a crossword or brain teasers. This will help keep them alert as well as passing time.

Don’t skip meals.

It’s easy to get carried away with the sights and as all the walking does great things for your health filling up on caffeine and sugary snacks to keep you going until dinner won’t do much for your health. Check out sites such as trip adviser and see what restaurants are recommended in the area you will be visiting. Some hotels will pack a lunch for you or maybe visit a local super market to pick up some nuts or dried fruit to snack on.

Watch out for jetlag.

Once the tiredness kicks in, it’s tempting to have the largest coffee you can find and have every type of pastry on the buffet, but drinking plenty of water and having a fresh juice with your breakfast can also give you a boost. Try Revive Active sachets in the morning to give you an action packed multi vitamin boost. It also contains Ubiqionol – a form of Co-Q10 that is essential for cell energy. Higher Nature make handy “Brighter Day” effervescent tablets that you can keep in your bag which is also great for a healthy pick me up


With so much to choose from! Start by using a smaller plate. Fill up with salads, grilled or cooked vegetables, protein and fibre. This will keep you fuller for longer as well as keeping you, well… regular. Try to avoid fried foods. If you just have to have that dessert, do it, share it or just have a taste, it often looks better than it actually is.

Make your own meals.

If you’re staying somewhere with kitchen access, do it yourself. You’re more likely to eat something nutritious at home—and you’ll know exactly what’s in it. It doesn’t feel like a holiday when you’re cooking all the time but there are many fast, nutritious meals you can do. As well as being good for your budget, it’ll be good for your waistline.

Beware of drinks.

We all love a good cocktail on the beach but keep it to one. As well as being full of fruit juices most cocktails have some form of sugar or glucose syrup added. Alcohol is never good for the waist line but if you’re going to have a drink stick to the spirits or maybe have a spritzer.

Save space for treats.

You’re on holiday! And regardless of where you are, each place has its own unique cakes, pastries or sweets. Try them. Get some to take home, it’s all about quality, not quantity. Ask the locals where then best places are so you don’t try every teashop in Cornwall looking for the best Cornish cream tea.


If you worry about food the whole holiday you won’t enjoy it.  Do your best and don’t sweat the small stuff. If you overdo it one day go for brisk walk on the beach the next day. Be active, sleep well and have fun!

Holiday supplement list:

Viridian Travel Biotic –  provides a unique type of good bacteria, Saccharomyces boulardii, that has a long and very well established scientific use as a dietary supplement in a convenient, professional-strength, one-a-day capsule. It is heat-resistant so no need to refrigerate. The perfect digestive companion for work and holiday travel.

Revive Active – Revive Active is a revolutionary nutritional supplement containing a powerful combination of Amino Acids, Vitamins,Minerals and natural sweetener Stevia. Click here for more info about this fantastic supplement

Higher Nature Brighter Day – A tasty, natural blackcurrant flavour drink to help when you’re feeling low. With vitamins to help with energy and normal psychological function. Turmeric is known to have anti inflammatory properties and may help with the inflammation in brain tissue caused by long haul flights.

A.Vogel Echinacea Forte – Because no one wants to get ill on holiday. A one a day immune support supplement to help keep colds and flu at bay. Find out more about Echinacea.




Man collecting Maple WaterMade from one single ingredient, pure refreshing water collected from Vermont maple trees, DRINKmaple is naturally hydrating, has a hint of maple and is packed with nutrients.

With the slogan ‘amazing water doesn’t grow on trees it grows in them’, DRINKmaple sprang to life thanks to two American Ironman triathletes who discovered that maple water offered the most refreshing drink they could find.

Maple water itself was first drunk hundreds of years ago by Native Americans and is ‘collected’ by simply tapping maple trees, a process that doesn’t harm the plants, and allowing the water, jam-packed with a host of nutrients and minerals the trees have amassed through their roots, to run into buckets. The organic maple water is then bottled without anything being added or taken away and without any boiling.

DRINKmaplehandsUnlike maple syrup the tree’s water isn’t high in sugar, in fact maple water has only about half the sugar of coconut water (less than 1.5g per 100ml), but does contain 46 other nutrients, including more manganese than a cup of kale – a nutrient which plays an important role in our bodies’ energy systems. Maple water is low calorie, gluten-free, dairy-free and non-GMO and also contains naturally occurring polyphenols, antioxidants, prebiotics, minerals and electrolytes.

Although it’s low in sugar DRINKmaple does still retain a subtle maple taste and offers a unique and refreshing flavour that will quench the thirst of even the most parched pallet.

It’s not just your health and taste buds that DRINKMaple helps. For every bottle sold 200 gallons of fresh clean water is supplied to individuals in developing nations beset by drought and disaster through the organization More Than Sport.

So whether you’re looking for a tastier thirst quencher for your gym session, a low sugar alternative for the whole family or an interesting base for a jug of summer cocktail look no further!

to found out more about this fantastic product visit DRINKmaple

Good Green Stuff

The Ultimate Superblend

More than a multi and more than just greens, Good Green Stuff is a complex multi-nutrient formula that helps make it simple to be and stay healthy. Based on the latest scientific research and formulated for maximum vitality.

Over 75 ingredients

Good Green Stuff is a blend of carefully selected fruits, vegetables and herbs – with added vitamins, minerals, friendly bacteria, plant foods and extracts and other essential nutrients.The ultimate superfood with the very best ingredients for optimum health.

Quality without compromise

Independently formulated by a team of global health experts. The form of every ingredient specifically selected for optimum performance. Regularly reviewed, and blended in world-class facilities in Belgium. Every batch is tested before release

Food For Thought

Nutrients to feed the mind and help you cope when the going gets tough as well as being packed with nutrients that help you battle fatigue and keep your psychological function in tip top condition.

Easy to Digest and Supports Your Gut and Immunity

Easier to digest than tablets or capsules and made from a base of real plant foods. Every form of vitamin and mineral has been carefully chosen for the best absorption and utilisation profile. Packed full of soluble fibre, friendly bacteria and digestive enzymes, yet gentle on the stomach. Good Green Stuff contains a wide range of ingredients that promote gut health, encourage a healthy inflammatory response, protect cells from oxidative stress and support your immune system

For those aspiring to vitality, body balance and healthy weight

A food-form, plant extract, gut friendly, synergistic food supplement to put a spring in your step. Two forms of Co Q10 and ideal ratios of B-Vitamins for energy-yielding metabolism, psychological, nervous system and immune function, along with countless other nutrients and phytonutrients to make you glow from the inside out. Good Green Stuff helps you look and feel your best every day!

Quick, Tasty, Convenient

Takes the strain out of good nutrition in one easy daily serve. No supplement can replace a healthy diet, but few get the chance to consume a balanced and varied diet every day. Good Green Stuff helps you fill the nutritional gaps. Think of it as your nutritional insurance policy.

No Bad Stuff

Allergen-Free – All of the good stuff, with none of the bad

Free from all common allergens:

  • No Gluten
  • No Dairy
  • No Eggs
  • No Nuts
  • No Soy
  • No Corn.
  • No GMO
  • No Nasty Chemicals
  • No Artificial Preservatives

Just 10 grams of concentrated, real-food ingredients

Udo’s Ultimate Omega Oil Blend

Our Product of the month is Omega Oil Blend by Udo’s Choice.

All our cells need  essential fatty acids (EFAs) for all systems of the body to function normally, including your skin, respiratory system, circulatory system, brain and organs.

A wide range of health problems have been linked to omega-3 fat deficiencies, including:

  • Increased inflammation
  • Depression
  • Weight gain and diabetes
  • Allergies and eczema

Your body does not produce  EFAs on it’s own and they have to be sourced from food. The problem is the omega oil balance is quite delicate. Too much omega 6 and the Omega 3 can’t be used properly by the body. In today’s world of fast food, ready meals, and high calorie snacks, it is not uncommon for most people to actually be getting about 15 times more omega-6 than omega-3. Not only that, but most of the Omega Oils we obtain from our diets are damaged by food processing or by exposure to heat, light or oxygen, all of which degrade the nutritional value of Omega 3 and 6.

This is why we love Udo’s Ultimate Oil Blend. It provides a premium natural source of unprocessed, undamaged Omega 3 and 6 in a ratio that supports optimum health.

•    Flax seed oil
•    Sunflower seed oil
•    Sesame seed oil
•    Coconut oil
•    Evening primrose oil
•    Soy lecithin (GMO-free)
•    Rice bran and oat bran germ oils
•    Tocotrienol

In addition Omega 3 Alpha Linolenic Acid found in Ultimate Oil Blend contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels.  This effect is obtained with a daily intake of 2g ALA.

Udo’s for Beauty

Our skin is a window to our dietary habits – it shows us what’s going on in our bodies. If our skin looks dry or tired, then the rest of our body isn’t being fed properly either. By supplying your body with the correct fats – Omega 3 and 6, it allows your skin’s cell membranes to hold onto water. In this simple action the omega oils work as internal moisturisers, giving you beautiful skin from within. At the same time as the cells in your hair and nails benefit too, it is observed that hair gains a new lustre, and nails become flexible and strong.

Udo’s for Sports

Good nutrition plays a key role in any sporting field as when your cells operate at their best so can you.  Getting the right amount of essential fats within the body in the right balance will serve you well in achieving your nutritional goals. Including Ultimate Oil Blend will help you maintain the optimum level of essential fatty acids as you push your body and it’s cells to perform.

How to use:

Enjoy a drizzle of Udo’s Oil in salad dressings, smoothies, soups, casseroles, porridge, pasta dishes, mashed or baked potatoes, protein shakes and more. Check out the Udo’s Recipe Page here or visit us in store to get your free Udo’s Choice 20th anniversary recipe book with your Udo’s Oil

Viridian Black Seed Oil

Muhi, from our Putney store, says: “I love Viridian Black Seed Oil. All my family use this product. This is a traditional herb that has been used for thousands of years by people living in Middle East and most part of Asia and Africa to promote health and fight disease. Tutankamun is even believed to have had a bottle of black seed oil in his tomb. This oil commonly has been used for treatment related to respiratory health, stomach and intestinal complains, kidney and liver functions, circulatory and immune system support. It is also known as Blessed Seed, Black Cumin or Nigella seed.

Organic Black Seed Oil from Viridian Nutrition is of the highest quality, made exclusively from organic Egyptian black cumin seed that is cold-pressed. It has a pleasant aroma and taste, it can be taken internally off the spoon, used as part of a salad dressing or used as a head or chest rub.

Viridian’s Organic Black Seed oil is vegan, organic and certified Kosher.


Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is all the rage… Fashionistas and health bloggers are raving about its health benefits. What is it all about?

It’s actually an ancient Ayurvedic technique (also known as “Gundusha” or “Kavala”) used to clean teeth and to improve oral health. The technique involves swishing oil in the mouth for up to 20 minutes on a regular basis (even daily). The idea is oil will dissolve impurities in the mouth and “pull toxins out” from in-between the teeth. It’s a little like oil-based skin cleansers that are also very popular at the moment; the idea is “like dissolves like”. The added benefit of oil is that it’s gentle and healing to gums and teeth. However, I wouldn’t recommend replacing tooth brushing and mouth rinsing… add oil pulling to your usual routine.

Many people find the idea of swishing oil in their mouth rather repulsive… But don’t knock it. I gave this technique a go and I got used to the sensation pretty quickly. Furthermore, I started feeling the difference within days: my mouth never felt so squeaky clean, and my breath is definitely fresher. Empirical evidence and some research studies all suggest oil pulling works to clean the mouth and reduce harmful bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans (responsible for tooth decay). Ayurveda and fans of oil pulling suggest it can improve overall health and cure a myriad of ailments… It’s not so far-fetched. Oral health and gum disease have been strongly linked with health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

So which oil to use? Traditional cultures use sesame or sunflower oil… but that was probably what was readily available then. Coconut oil is an ideal choice now. It is rich in lauric acid which possesses natural anti-bacterial properties (and I think it’s particularly yummy). Is there anything coconut oil can’t do?!

How to do it:

* Put 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil into the mouth.

* My Naturopath friend recommended I add 2 drops of pure Oregano Oil (for its antibacterial properties) – optional.

* Swish for 20 minutes. From my research on the topic, it seems this is the ideal length of time. According to Dr. Bruce Fife, author of Oil Pulling Therapy, 20 min is long enough to break through plaque and bacteria but not long enough for the body to reabsorb toxins and bacteria.

* The oil gets thicker and milky as it mixes with Saliva. It will look creamy white when you spit out.

* Always spit it out (remember that you’ve been dislodging plaque and bacteria). And remember to spit it into a rubbish can (coconut oil solidifies when cold!)

* Afterwards rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water.

* Brush your teeth, floss and gargle.

DeliCoco Coconut Chunks

Our Product of the week is Delicoco -The world’s first Coconut Chunk snacks. They are made from fresh mature coconuts. The flesh is cut into pieces and then baked to give you these delicious high fibre snacks, great eaten on their own or sprinkled on salads, breakfast cereals or even great added to a stir fry. Delicoco coconut chunks are available in Original, Honey or Spicy flavours in our stores!

Lucy Bee Coconut Oil

Marta in Putney says: “My favourite product is Lucy Bee coconut oil. I use this not only for cooking, but also as a mask on my hair. It’s just amazing for my dry hair, I put one tablespoon mixed together with couple of drops of rosemary essential oil, leave it for at least an hour and rinse it off. My hair is now much softener and hydrated.”

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